Friday, September 18, 2009

ZINO Society announces finalists for $100,000 investment award

On Thursday, Sept. 17, ZINO Society held its largest investment event of the year, the fourth annual ZINO Zillionaire Investment Forum.

At the forum, 28 early-stage and expansion companies that are seeking funding made presentations to accredited investors/ZINO Society members in attendance. In addition to the individual members and guests who chose to invest directly with presenting entrepreneurs, ZINO Society put together a $100,000 investment fund that will be split 50/50 between the Best Technology Investment Opportunity and the Best Non-Technology Investment Opportunity that presented.

Three tech and three non-tech finalists were announced Thursday afternoon at the end of the forum, and once due diligence is performed, the two fund winners will be announced near the end of October.

The finalists are:

Non-tech: Microgreen Polymers, Zero Crossing, Harbor Wing Technologies

Tech: Giftango, Photon Machines, Enroute Systems

Check out this story on the forum posted by the Puget Sound Business Journal, and this story written by Xconomy.

KOMO Radio also ran this preview the morning of the event:

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Snoquamlie Gourmet Ice Cream nominated as one of Western Washington's Best Businesses

Snoqualmie Gourmet Ice Cream has been nominated as one of Western Washington's best businesses in Evening Magazine's the "Best of Western Washington" competition in the Ice Cream Shop category!

Voting runs until Sunday, October 11th. Casting your vote is quick and easy to do. You don't need to live in Western Washington, and you don't have to leave a review either - just click this link to vote!

For more information on Snoqualmie Gourmet Ice Cream, please visit

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Overlake opens new helistop at its Bellevue campus

Earlier this week, Overlake Hospital Medical Center opened a new helistop at its main Bellevue campus to provide more efficient emergency treatment for patients who need to be airlifted.

“This helistop will be a great asset to our community, enabling Overlake to provide faster response times in bringing patients here for treatment, or in some situations, getting patients to other healthcare facilities in the region,” said Craig Hendrickson, Overlake’s president and chief executive officer. “And because Overlake is a Level III trauma center and backup responder to Harborview Medical Center, the helistop will greatly enhance Overlake’s ability to provide emergency treatment for severely ill and injured patients.”

The Seattle Times covered the helistop opening, along with KOMO-TV and KIRO-TV.